Trends in Cloud Computing and their effects on software development

October 13, 2022

One of the most important technological developments in the last ten years has been cloud computing, which has had a big impact on how software development teams operate even now. The ability to use cloud-based services to access and store data and applications remotely has had a significant impact on how software is developed, distributed, and used.

The shift to multi-cloud and hybrid cloud settings is one of the largest developments in cloud computing. This enables businesses to utilise the benefits of many cloud service providers, like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and to select the one that is most suited to meet their unique requirements. Additionally, this strategy gives enterprises more flexibility and lessens vendor lock-in.

The use of serverless computing is growing, which is another trend in cloud computing. Developers are freed from having to worry about provisioning, scaling, and managing servers so they can concentrate on building code. Building compact, event-driven apps and microservices is a particular application area for serverless computing.

The development and deployment of software on the cloud are both being influenced by the rise of containerisation. Teams can work more quickly and effectively thanks to containers, which make it simple to build and deliver software. Additionally, among software development teams, Kubernetes, an open-source container orchestration technology, has grown in popularity.

The way software development teams operate has been significantly impacted by cloud computing as well. The emergence of distributed teams and the capacity to access a global talent pool are both results of the ability to access resources and collaborate remotely. Cloud-based tools and services have also made it simpler for teams to embrace Agile development processes and produce software more quickly and effectively.

In conclusion, software development has been significantly impacted by cloud computing. The development of multi-cloud and hybrid cloud settings, serverless computing, containerization, and greater use of Kubernetes are all results of the capacity to access and store data and applications remotely. The way software development teams operate has also evolved as a result of cloud computing, which has made it simpler for them to communicate and produce software more quickly and effectively. Future software development and deployment practises are likely to undergo even more changes as the cloud computing trend develops.

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